

Jason Hyett, AP 466

Jason was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi in spring of 1999. Jason held the office of Historian his first full year in the Chapter. As Historian, Jason helped create the Alpha Rho Alumni Chapter. He was also chair of The Ability Experience (formerly Push) and Treasurer. Jason was very active in inter-fraternity activities and was voted sweetheart to the Pi Beta Phi sorority during his undergraduate tenure. Jason served as House Father while attending graduate school. After graduation Jason remained active with the Alumni Chapter by attending functions and serving in various roles from housing delegate to social media chair of the APAC.

Jason is originally from Moundsville, WV and moved to Winston Salem, NC briefly after graduating college with his MBA. His love for WV eventually brought him back to his home state where he currently lives in Parkersburg, WV. Jason works in banking where his area of focus is around electronic payments. He credits much of his success to the leadership and team building skills he gained through active participation in the chapter. Along with the wealth of knowledge gained by attending national Pi Kappa Phi leadership seminars during his undergraduate career.

Jason is married to his wife Stefanie and has 2 sons, Isaac and Ethan. He is proud of his roots and hopes that his sons will one day attend WVU and join him in brotherhood in the Alpha Rho Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. He attends WVU games and likes to travel with his family when time and funds allow.