Journey of Hope comes to Pittsburgh

Brothers Patrick Farley AP 67,  Bob Laughner AP 68, Bob Dombrowski AP 144 and Jay Marano AP 120 visited with the Journey of Hope North Team in Wexford, PA at the Woodlands Foundation.
Patrick presented the team with a $400 gift for them to use for upcoming meals.  He was able to secure this generous donation from his company The Institute for Transfusion Medicine.  They were very appreciative of this gift and really appreciated our Alumni who were there to encourage them.
Bob Laughner- AP 68 said this after his visit with the team yesterday “I will tell you this, not only as a ‘Proud Pi Kapp’ but as a human being, seeing what this group of 19 to 22 year old men doing what they do, all strictly voluntary, gives me great faith in humanity.” 

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